Neuropsychological / Psychoeducational Testing & Evaluations, & Psychological Assessment for Adults (ages 17 - 99)

Now offering adult evaluations (ages 17 - 99) for clients in Pasadena, Los Angeles county, the San Gabriel Valley & surrounding areas with NO WAIT TIME!


Now offering adult evaluations (ages 17 - 99) for clients in Pasadena, Los Angeles county, the San Gabriel Valley & surrounding areas with NO WAIT TIME! 〰️

The Center for Connection is uniquely positioned to offer comprehensive, holistic, integrated psychological and neuropsychological assessments for individuals across the lifespan, including young children, adolescents, and adults.

Scroll down to learn more about the adult assessments we offer; or click here to complete our brief intake form. This will help us to determine the most effective evaluation for your needs, and get the process started.

What makes our Adult assessments unique:

  • We have an entire team of highly qualified psychologists with specialized training and experience in adult assessment.

  • The process caters to clients’/patients’ specific concerns and questions, which we identify with them during intake.

  • Our team is professional and thorough, and we make the process as interesting, safe, and enjoyable as possible.

  • We integrate nervous-system regulation and the role of relationships in all aspects of functioning.

  • We are strengths-based, flexible, and collaborative, considering all aspects of the individual’s life.

Patients/Clients who may benefit from an adult assessment:

  •  Those who wish to gain better understanding of how their unique brain functions and what their mental strengths and challenges are 

  • Those who have been unable to reach full functional, relational, or occupational desires/potential

  • Those who have questions about cognitive functioning (memory, attention, language, executive functioning, etc.)

  • Those suspected of undiagnosed autism, ADHD, learning disability, or other neurodivergence

  • Those who may qualify for and benefit from accommodations at work or school

  • Those for whom certain types of treatment in the past have not been successful, or clarification for current treatment planning

  • Those who have a history of traumatic brain injury, concussion, stroke, or other neurological concern with impact on current life

Together, we’ll discover what’s under the surface.…

About the Adult Assessments We Offer

We offer a full range of neuropsychological and psychoeducational testing and evaluation services for adults, as well as psychological assessments. Below is a brief summary of some of the assessments we provide.


  • If you struggle with persistent problems, such as difficulty paying attention or staying focused, difficulty quieting your body and/or your mind, or impulsive behavior, you might have adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD symptoms start in childhood but are often not recognized until adulthood. In adults, if hyperactivity was present in childhood, it may decrease over time, but struggles with impulsiveness, restlessness and paying attention may continue and can lead to unstable relationships, poor work or academic performance, low self-esteem, and other problems. An evaluation for attention deficits can be completed to clarify a diagnosis. 

  • If you are struggling or have a young adult who is struggling with the transition to adulthood, a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation can be extremely valuable in identifying underlying causes.  Issues such as learning difficulties (even in bright individuals), or mood, personality, and social difficulties can impact young adults’ ability to succeed in college or work, leave home, and support themselves.  Young adults struggling with failure to launch (or failure to thrive) may seem “stuck” or not maturing in an age appropriate way. We are happy to discuss these concerns with you and provide evaluation. 

  • A psychological evaluation can be completed in order to determine the extent to which you are experiencing anxiety, depression or other emotional challenges, or underlying personality issues that may be adversely impacting your life and relationships. 

  • (Associated with brain injury or illness, including progressive illness, as well as with Normal Aging.)

    If you or someone you care for is struggling with short- or long-term memory issues, increased forgetfulness, coming up with the name of people or things, losing train of thought, finding conversations difficult to track, or other changes in thinking, behavior, and/or mood, it may be helpful to have a neuropsychological evaluation completed. This type of evaluation can help to clarify if there are or have been changes in brain functioning as a result of a disease or acquired brain injury process, or even normal aging. Evaluations can provide insight with respect to diagnosis as well as recommendations for accommodations and modifications you or your loved one may need. They can also provide relief when results rule out a disease or disease process and in knowing that the changes are consistent with current circumstances or normal aging. 

  • Many adults who know or have a sense that they are gifted intellectually choose to participate in evaluation to get an estimate of their intellectual capacity. Additionally, the term “Twice Exceptional (“2e”), increasingly recognized and evaluated in children, is now being applied to adults. “2e” refers to intellectually gifted people who also have some form of learning or other disability. They have the potential for high achievement in one or more domains, while evidencing one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria (including specific learning disabilities, speech and language disorders, emotional/behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, autism spectrum, or other impairments such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The neuropsychological evaluation process helps with recognizing the range of cognitive, behavioral, physical, and psychological exceptionalities and provides recommendations for any accommodations and modifications needed.

  • If you are concerned that you or someone you care about may have an undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder (ASD), particularly high functioning autism/Asperger’s, we can provide a comprehensive, thoughtful, sensitive, and nuanced assessment. Through questionnaires, observations, and specific standardized testing measures we can help with diagnosis. Once the testing is completed, we will provide you with a comprehensive report including treatment referrals, recommendations, and next steps, as needed.

  • Employers contact us to determine if a current employee is fit (on a psychological and/or cognitive basis) to remain employed with their institution or company, as well as to determine if a prospective employee is a good fit for them.

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.
— Brene Brown


  • ADHD

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Selective Mutism

  • Trauma

  • Emotional Distress

  • Anxiety

  • Test anxiety

  • Difficulty completing homework

  • Developmental delays

  • Heightened emotional and behavioral dysregulation/stress

  • Giftedness

  • Twice Exceptional

  • Early Developmental Screenings

  • Adoption

  • Attachment

  • Relational distress

  • Personality difficulties

  • College/University coursework difficulties

  • Work difficulties

  • Concussion

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Stroke/Vascular Disease

  • Dementias (Alzheimer’s, Frontal Lobe)

  • Progressive Illness (MS, Parkinson’s, etc.)

  • Autism/Asperger’s

  • Fitness for Duty/Work

About Our Adult Assessment Team


Rebecca Lesser


Kristoffer Park


Daniel Fenton


Dr. Rebecca Lesser Allen is the division director of our comprehensive pediatric assessment program. She leads a team of psychologists who have multiple specialties ranging from trauma, learning disabilities and ADHD, anxiety, emotional distress and selective mutism. She and her team have experience supporting students in school as well, through SST and IEP meetings and helping them to obtain necessary academic accommodations and modifications.

Dr. Lesser Allen completes psychological and neuropsychological evaluation for individuals aged 10 and up. Dr. Deborah Buckwalter completes psychological and neuropsychological evaluation for adults aged 17 and up. Dr. Kristoffer Park is a Licensed Psychologist who specializes in working with children and adolescents by utilizing neuropsychological and psychological assessments to help individuals and their loved ones gain a fuller understanding of how they view themselves and the world around them.

Our brilliant team of therapists believe relationships play an important role in early childhood development and incorporate interpersonal neurobiology into their work. Scroll down to learn more about our team.

To learn more about our testing team, click on their names above. You may also click here to read a message from our Founder, Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, or click here to learn about our approach and interpersonal neurobiology. 

Next Steps for Learning More & Scheduling a Neuropsychological / Psychoeducational Testing & Evaluations, or Psychological Assessment

Feel free to reach out to us at any time! We understand that the cost of a comprehensive evaluation can feel prohibitive at times, which is why we have financial options depending on the needs of each family. Please don’t hesitate to ask us more about this. It is also of utmost importance to consider the value of such an investment in yourself or loved one. 

We know that obtaining a comprehensive evaluation is a big decision. If you are unsure about the best next steps forward, feel free to contact us for a consultation session. We will be able to provide you with more information regarding the evaluation process, make recommendations about a plan moving forward, and provide you with some initial resources and tools that you can use right away!

Schedule an Initial Consultation with Our Assessment Team

We are based in Pasadena, California, and work with clients in Pasadena, Duarte, Monrovia, Arcadia, Altadena, Alhambra, La Canada Flintridge, Glendale, and surrounding areas in the San Gabriel Valley and Greater Los Angeles area.